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Publisher: Way Books

The Way

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Pedro Arrupe, Chosen by God: Pedro Arrupe's Retreat Notes 1965, translated with and introduction by Joseph A. Munitiz SJ

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Price £8.00
(About $10.29 or €9.48)

Margaret Blackie, Rooted in Love: Integrating Ignatian Spirituality into Daily Life

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Price £10.00
(About $12.87 or €11.85)

Benjamín González Buelta SJ, Psalms to Accompany the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius Loyola, translated by Damian Howard SJ

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Price £12.00
(About $15.44 or €14.22)

Michael Campbell-Johnston SJ, Just Faith: A Jesuit Striving for Social Justice

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(About $12.87 or €11.85)

CD-ROM or Download, The Way—The First Fifty Years

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Price £10.00
(About $12.87 or €11.85)

CD-ROM Special Offer:
The Way and The Way Supplement, 1961-2002
Ignatian Spirituality and The Way—The First Fifty Years

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(About $38.60 or €35.55)

CD-ROM Ignatian Spirituality and The Way, 1961-2002

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(About $38.60 or €35.55)

Decrees and Documents of the 35th General Congregation of the Society of Jesus

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(About $12.87 or €11.85)

Peter Edmonds SJ, Stories and Portraits: The Way Companion to the Synoptic Gospels

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(About $15.44 or €14.22)

Peter Edmonds SJ, The Way Companion to the Sunday Missal

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(About $12.87 or €11.85)

Diego Laínez and Juan Polanco, The First Biographies of St Ignatius Loyola, translated and edited by Joseph A. Munitiz SJ

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(About $15.44 or €14.22)

Works for the Spirit: A Ninetieth Birthday Tribute to Rory Geoghegan SJ

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Price £20.00
(About $25.73 or €23.70)

Fredrik Heiding SJ, Ignatian Spirituality at Ecclesial Frontiers

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Price £19.90
(About $25.61 or €23.58)

Gerard W. Hughes SJ, At Home in God: Essays from The Way, 1962–1985

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(About $10.29 or €9.48)

Michael Ivens SJ, An Approach to Saint Ignatius of Loyola

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Price £7.00
(About $9.01 or €8.30)

Nicholas King SJ, Jesuit Companions

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Price £5.00
(About $6.43 or €5.93)

Judith Lancaster SHCJ, Cornelia Connelly and Her Interpreters

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(About $23.16 or €21.33)

Magdalen Lawler SND, Well of Living Water: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

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(About $12.87 or €11.85)

The Lord of Friendship: Friendship, Discernment and Mission in Ignatian Spirituality

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(About $19.30 or €17.78)

Robert R. Marsh SJ, Imagination, Discernment and Spiritual Direction

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(About $12.87 or €11.85)

John Moffatt SJ, The Resurrection of the Word: A Modern Quest for Intelligent Faith

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Ignatian Spirituality: A Selection of Continental Studies in Translation, edited and translated by Joseph A. Munitiz, SJ

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(About $19.30 or €17.78)

Paul Nicholson SJ, Growing into Silence

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(About $6.43 or €5.93)

Brian O’Leary SJ, Sent into the Lord’s Vineyard: Explorations in the Jesuit Constitutions

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Brian O’Leary SJ, Pierre Favre and Discernment

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Price £9.00
(About $11.58 or €10.67)

Patrick Purnell, SJ, The Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Son of God

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(About $11.58 or €10.67)

Patrick Purnell SJ, Imagine

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Patrick Purnell SJ, The Book of Furrows

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Price £8.50
(About $10.94 or €10.07)

Pedro de Ribadeneira, Treatise on the Governance of St Ignatius of Loyola, translated by Joseph A. Munitiz SJ

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Price £8.00
(About $10.29 or €9.48)

Joseph Veale SJ, Manifold Gifts

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(About $15.44 or €14.22)

Immolata Wetter CJ, Mary Ward under the Shadow of the Inquisition

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(About $15.44 or €14.22)

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